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RAGE Plugin Hook Development Enhancer for GTAV/RPH1 - Open Alpha - v0.8.1044.5450

v for
January 1, 2017 at 1:03:44 AM UTC


  • Fixed a crash when attemping to assign tasks.
  • Fixed entities continuing to spin when rotating them in the spawn tool.
  • Pressing R in the spawn tool will now also stop non-character entities' spinning.
  • Entities are no longer deselected when clicking on an entity that is already selected.
  • Completely rewrote the selection tool.
  • Completely rewrote the move tool.
  • Added translation gizmo to the move tool.
  • Added polygon selection tool (Holt Alt).
  • Changed selection color from lime to deep sky blue.
  • It's now possible to choose where to place a cloned entity.
  • The line tool can now be used to spawn entities along a line.
  • Info in the status bar now shows entity capacity.
  • Simplified selection bounding box when over 100 entities are selected.
  • Fixed compass being inverted.
  • Added screenshot tool.
Download (1.30 MB)